indicate three main items for for which you would require relevant information about in order to undertakean initial inspection on a new installation
state releveant documentation that relate to the inspection and test of a system name on statutory and two non statutory
an electrical installation certificate and a periodic inspection report should be accompanied by two other documents what are they?
state three areas of inspection you would check when carrying out a periodic inspection report
state three human senses used when carrying out periodic inspection report
list the instruments which provide the measurements 20 megohms , 8KA and 22mS
insulation resistance testing requires different test voltages for certain circuits, identify what circuits require the following voltages 250v, 500v, 1000v.
state the first three tests that should be taken during the initial verification of a new installation.
the test for continuity of the CPC in a radial circuit with one socket requires a link and a milli-ohmmetrer state: were link is connected, state where meter is connected, what the meter reading represents.
state three different protective conductors that need to be connected to the main earth terminal
the following results were obtained during the initial test on a healthy ring circuit
what readings would you expect after cross connection between line and neutral at each socket , between line and cpc at each socket, what does the line and cpc represent ?
state the effect on conductor resistance when cable length increases
conductor resistance when CSA increases
state three precautions to be taken before an insulation resistance test on a circuit
an inclosure has been fabricated on site state the IP rating , it is not affected by liquids
state the protection offered by the following IP ratings IP4X, IPX8, IPXXB
state three reasons for conducting polarity checks on a circuit
ID earthing system that is connected with overhead cables, a multi core supply cable with seperate earth and neutrel, supply in which earth and neutrel are performed in one conductor
state three locations where additinal requirements for an electrical installation are needed
from the formula Zs = Ze +(R1 + R2) x 1.2 x L / 1000 state what is Ze, R2 and 1.2
state three functonal test to be carried out on an installation
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Guidance Note 3: Inspection & Testing
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